Forum Discussion

sabrmanz's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Choices getting blue boxes when reviewing

Hello everyone!

I'm encountering an issue with SCORM packages generated through Storyline 360. I have a certification course with multiple-choice questions, and learners can review their answered questions (without seeing the correct responses) on the result slide. However, when reviewing, a "blue box" appears around a choice that wasn't even selected. How is this possible? Could it be that the last cursor location was saved? Is there any workaround for this?

Courses published at SCORM 2004 - 4th

Thanks a lot!

  • Hi Sabrina,

    These are hover states. I suspect this is happening because you aren't using the "submit interaction" trigger to submit the quiz question. Instead, you have individual triggers to show layers based on selected states, and I think when the user comes back to the slide, Storyline is trying to pick up where they left off. I would recommend deleting those and using the "submit interaction" trigger and let Storyline do the work for you.

    When I changed your file so that the trigger was to submit the interaction (which will automatically show correct/incorrect layers, as well as try again layers if you change "attempts" to 2), I didn't get the hover state hanging on.