Forum Discussion

JimPeterson-c30's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Check Box Survey Results

I am trying to display the results of a 10-question introspective survey to each learner. I can't seem to figure out how to count up the number of Yes votes to show them the results. I have broken down the feedback into four levels. I would like to show them that if they answered all 10 as Yes, then they are amazing. If they answered only 8 or 9 of them Yes, then they are doing well, etc. 

How do I create a results page off of check boxes? I've scoured the discussion board and either it's not there or I'm searching with the wrong terms. I'll add the page in progress for reference.

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    Have a look at the attached and see if that's what you wanted. There is no need to make this a scoreable question, it's a survey with no right/wrong answers. "Selected" and "Normal" are built-in states that are called automatically, there is no need for triggers. Also, when you use button sets, one option is deselected automatically, when you select the other. The survey results screen simply shows layers with different feedback, based on the number of selected Yes choices on the previous slide.

    • JimPeterson-c30's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. The new changes work perfectly. Is there a way to turn the survey into a scrolling text box or continue onto a second screen? I'd like to make the font of the questions larger for legibility. 

  • Thanks! I haven't played with checkboxes much. I just wanted to make sure that they could only reply to either and not both. It seems to work by default. I did not know you could get a results slide for checkboxes. That was exactly what I wanted. Thank you.

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    Both are possible. Adding the text and checkboxes and position them can be a bit challenging, but it does work. Spreading out the survey questions over several slides is probably easier, you just need to keep track of the variables on each slide.