Forum Discussion

Surenderkumar's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Caselet creation

For my latest course, I need to create a caselet and provide an option for my learners to discuss about the caselet. Can this kind of interactivity be developed in Articulate storyline 360 or Rise 360. Attaching the document for your reference.

  • PeggyHawkes's avatar
    Community Member

    Surender, I see a number of really meaty (Aussie slang for great/excellent) scenarios in your caselet. When I write scenarios I always try and identify the dilemmas that the character/person is facing. Once I have these to hand, I can then write the 2-3 responses.

    Something else to consider is your characters' names. I found Salman and Seiff a little too alliterative, especially when you also used 'super supervisor' and 'supervisor'. In this context I would amend and use hard consonant names as counterpoint. I made similar poor choice in one of my early designs and by the time I got to narration it became quite difficult. My course character was Clarissa, and the content was all about visual schedules and sessions and the sssss sound got me in a muddle. It was a good lesson because it has made me more careful about character name choices in relation to other course content.

    Good luck.  

    • Surenderkumar's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Allison. I will read these and work on my project over the weekend.

      Just a quick question, i had to keep coming back here to see whether someone replied to my query. Can i get a mail notification if someone replies me on my post.

      • Ange's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Surender, Scroll to top of page and click subscribe (see screen grab), you should then receive email notifications.

  • Surenderkumar's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you Peggy for the suggestion. I shall keep in mind the character name suggestion.

    Appreciated your help :) thanks