Forum Discussion

AnnaJeppsson's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Can I remove a course manager or collaborator without messing up my courses?

I have a colleague who has contributed a lot on my courses, both as course manager and collaborator. Now they are not working with training anymore, and will transfer their license to another person in the company. Based on this I have two questions:

  1. Will the new license owner have access to all my coursers where the previous license owner was contributing as a manger / collaborator.
  2. If I remove they old license owner as a manager / collaborator, will this somehow mess up the courses or will they still be intact and fully editable by me as a course owner?
  • Hi Anna, thanks for reaching out. Those are excellent questions! 

    1. If an author is removed from your team, and their courses are transferred to another author, the courses they collaborated on will not be transferred to the new user.  Only courses that are owned by the author will be transferred.

    2. If the author is removed from your team, or if you remove a collaborator/course manager from your course, your course will remain intact and fully editable by you as the course owner.

    I hope this helps!