Forum Discussion

TaraRohrbach's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

SuccessFactors LMS applying its own Navigational buttons


When I publish Rise 360 to our SuccessFactors LMS it is applying navigational buttons that I do not want.  I have been told by our LMS administrators this is normal behavior for SCORM 2004, but these buttons are new to me.  Also, these buttons do not work, they kick the user out of the course.  I don't want them at all.  My LMS admin said I need to do something to the manifest to "hide" these as they can't be disabled but provided zero guidance on what steps to take or what I need to do to the manifest.  Any guidance provided would be appreciated as it is confusing learners.


  • oliviadevid's avatar
    Community Member


    To remove the unwanted navigational buttons in your Rise 360 course, you can try modifying the course's SCORM manifest file.

    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Export your Rise 360 course as a SCORM package.
    2. Extract the contents of the SCORM package to a folder on your computer.
    3. Locate the "imsmanifest.xml" file in the extracted folder.
    4. Open the "imsmanifest.xml" file in a text editor.
    5. Find the following lines of code:
      <item identifier="page-navigation" identifierref="nav"/> <item identifier="toc-navigation" identifierref="toc"/>
      1. To remove the navigation buttons, delete the above lines of code.
      2. Save the "imsmanifest.xml" file.
      3. Zip the contents of the extracted folder to create a new SCORM package.
      4. Upload the new SCORM package to your SuccessFactors LMS.

      By following the above steps, you should be able to remove the unwanted navigational buttons from your Rise 360 course. Please note that modifying the manifest file requires technical knowledge and should be done carefully to avoid breaking the course functionality. It's recommended to make a backup of your original SCORM package before making any changes.

      Best Regards       
    6.       Olivia Devid
  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Tara,

    The SuccessFactors LMS is not behaving correctly. No LMS buttons should appear within the SCORM/Rise Course.

    A LMS is responsible to provide navigation within the LMS, and to provide learner  access to get into a SCORM. Once the learner is within a SCORM, the navigation is determined and controlled by the SCORM..

    Once the student exits the SCORM, the LMS once again takes over navigation.

  • Hi Tara! I don't have experience with SuccessFactors, but many LMSs allow you to launch the content in a new window, outside of the LMS UI. Do you see that option listed in a "launch behavior" setting?

  • Hi John! Thank you for sharing this awesome step-by-step guide!

    I'm sure that community members who stumble upon this thread will find this very helpful.

    Thanks again and have a good one!

  • alexmoulder's avatar
    Community Member

    For SuccessFactors LMS users there are configuration settings that will allow you to launch the content in a new tab to solve this problem

  • Hi, Carla!

    Just a quick tip that you can contact John directly through their profile by clicking on their name and selecting Contact Me. I hope this helps!

  • Hi All, appreciate your feedback.  Editing the manifest file is not a great solution for us, we are running into many issues.  

    What I am not understanding, is if we use Next/Prev buttons in the course, where are these EXTRA buttons originating (see attached), we are seeing them in both Rise and Storyline courses. Our LMS Admin is telling us it is our responsibility to edit the manifest that there is no action from the SuccessFactors LMS that will resolve this issue, this leads me to believe this is something within the Articulate products but I do not understand b/c there are already navigation buttons used within the course itself, these are useless, for example if a learner clicks "continue" it closes the course immediately and gives them credit!

      • HeinrichBart602's avatar
        Community Member

        They are driven by the manifest file that Articulate creates in the output. They are controlled in the manifest file of the course and the LMS just obeys. The problem is that the default output does not hide them by default. If you want to hide them you need to edit the manifest of the course before you import it into an LMS.

  • For anyone looking for a solution, here you go.

    To fix all of this, here's what you need to do.

    Take your published Rise 360 .zip file and extract it somewhere.

    Go into the extracted folder, and open/edit your imsmanifest.xml file (I recommend using Notepad++, it's great for this)

    There are 2 parts to solving this problem.

    1. Adding the missing line to the top of your manifest file.
    2. Adding the code to your manifest file that hides those annoying buttons.

    For Part 1 you need to check the very top section of the manifest file. If you compare a manifest file from Storyline 360 output with that of a Rise 360 output you will see there are some lines missing, most importantly, the xmlns:adlnav line that enables the hiding of the elements that we are trying to achieve:

    Storyline 360
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <manifest identifier="wpwUr_cb_De7M3C2CYMXohGJzRe6cts1KGHj0ATy" version="1.3"
    xsi:schemaLocation=" imscp_v1p1.xsd
    Rise 360
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>
    <manifest identifier="wpwUr_cb_De7M3C2CYMXohGJzRe6cts1KGHj0ATy" version="1.3"
      xsi:schemaLocation=" imscp_v1p1.xsd
    What you need to do is add that missing line (bolded) into your manifest file.
    That takes care of Part1
    Now you can add the hideLMSUI elements which then forces the LMS to hide those annoying buttons that appear in LMSs like SuccessFactors.
    Add the following code under the second <title> row of your Manifest file (In-between the 2nd <title> tag and the <adlcp:dataFromLMS> tag
    Once this is done, save the manifest file, and rezip all the contents of the folder back into a .zip file.
    Import this "updated" zip file into your SuccessFactors LMS and it should work.
    Attached is a fixed example of a Rise 360 manifest file.
    Hope this helps anyone else struggling with this!
    • DaphneDansby-41's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Heinrich,

      I have edited the manifest file. After doing so, I receive a message that the SCORM packet includes invalid files.  This does not happen if I don't edit the manifest file. Can you provide some insight into this?  

      I have noticed that my manifest files do not include the <adlcp:dataFromLMS> tag.