Forum Discussion

AshleighHally's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Slide with Fly In Teaching Points

I'm trying to build a slide with fly-in teaching points, each triggered by a user click. Not seeing a way to do that in Animations alone, I created layers for each additional teaching point. BUT the Next arrow disappears from the navigation bar after the base layer, so I had to add an arrow on my slide for users to click (wasn't part of design, so looks out of place). Is there an easier, more straight-forward way to do this? I'll have 5-6 slides that need this user interaction. I appreciate any tricks of the trade!

Here is a link to this one slide:

  • Hello Ashleigh, 

    Happy to help with your design inquiry!

    There's multiple ways to do this in Storyline 360, but one method that you can check out is by using motion paths and variables to achieve a similar animation effect. 

    Basically, motions paths will be responsible for the 'Fly-in' animation, while a variable will be responsible for controlling which item should animate. The whole setup looks something like this: 

    I've attached a sample project file so you can see how this slide works. I'll let other members of the community chime in with their solutions so you can choose which one will work best for you.

    Hope this helps!

  • AshleighHally's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for this, Joe! I will check it out. Couple follow up questions: is my layer idea equally viable as the motion path/variable idea? Which option will be less "clunky" - I have a 19 slide training but 12 language options, so the course file is getting large.

  • Yes, layers is just as viable, but it looks like you are animating a bulleted list. The easiest way to do that is to fly it in, (have it enter on user click) and choose to animate it by paragraph, not all at once. 

    If you don’t like the arrow, put it off the stage, and set the trigger to change state of [text box with bulleted list] to normal when user clicks outside the arrow. That way, any click brings in another point.

    Or you can animate the text in by time. See this post: