Forum Discussion

MartinLange-2eb's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Rise imported XLF file adds extra line break in course


I have duplicated a course, exported file for translation, translated it, and imported it again.

But all inline HTML BR (new line tags) are imported twice, ending up in extra unwanted new lines. I guess this is a bug?

  • Hi Martin! Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your translation file. 

    Can you share a copy of your Rise Course and the translation file with us? You can share this with us privately by submitting a case. 

    Please let us know the translation program and version you used to translate the file.

    • hazelB's avatar

      Hi Elaine! We’re aware of this and we don’t have an update just yet.

      You can deselect Include HTML formatting as a workaround. This exports your content in easy to translate blocks of text. However, it doesn’t contain the coding necessary to maintain any formatting you’ve applied to that content.

      We'll keep this discussion updated as soon as we have more to share!

      • GabrielaQuez258's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Hazel! We're also having the same issue. When we import our xliff we frequently see double line breaks, this is especially prevalent in the labeled graphic markers. Any updates on fixing this bug?