Forum Discussion

CharleneJansen-'s avatar
Community Member
14 days ago

Reach360 - Certificate of Completion duration calculation

Good day,

I have been tasked with reconciling and putting a detailed document together on the following.

  1. Accuracy of the duration recorded on the Certificate of Completion (CoC) document.
  2. Correct the CoC document currently duplicating the Duration.

Point 1:

When I extract a status report per learner, it shows a duration of, for example, 05:27:32. (see image below).

When I extract and analyse the report, the total does add up. See the image below. However, one lesson has a status in progress, which has also been completed later.

Sub question: How do we get the 'in progress' to a completed status as it continuously restarts a new 'session'.

When I hover over the Download Certificate option (see image below), the duration is correct, but it also includes the incomplete lesson.

Sub-question: Why is the 'in progress time included?

But when downloading, it shows a different duration. See the image below. 

Question: why does the duration differ when downloaded?

Point 2:

On the COC, the Duration is recorded twice. Why and how can it be corrected?

Below are the settings on the COC settings.


  • Hi CharleneJansen-!

    I understand you have questions on Reach 360's certificates of completion, and analytic reports!

    I've opened a support case on your behalf so our support engineers can work with you directly on this request. You're in excellent hands with them and they should be connecting with you via e-mail, shortly!