Forum Discussion

MollySomerville's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Custom Quiz & Pulling Data


I am creating an assessment course and wanted to create custom questions (without using the quizzing feature). If participants answer the question correctly, they receive feedback and it sends them to the next question. If they answer incorrectly, they receive feedback and get sent to a duplicate of the slide so they can try again. The client wants to pull some data from learners who take the course, including how many people got the questions correct on the first try vs. how many needed a second attempt and/or a summary of results. 

I know the bulk of this reporting will happen in the LMS, but I want to make sure the course can provide accurate data. Will it do that if I don't utilize the quiz template and use custom slides with triggers? Or will it just make it easier if I use the quizzing feature? Also, if they need to achieve at least an 80% in order to complete the course, how would I do that if I'm utilizing custom question slides?

Thank you!

  • The info Storyline sends to an LMS is based on a Results slide, which is associated with a designated set of question slides. If you want an >=80% score for successful completion, that has to come from a Results slide. Aside from passed/failed, exactly what other info you can pull from the LMS depends mostly on the LMS set up. 

    In short, you will need to use the quizzing features. 

    However, you aren't restricted to using the standard question slides. You can use Freeform questions, too. Here's more info about those: 

    FYI: You can also customize regular or Freeform question slides. Here are a few posts that might give you some ideas:  

    • MollySomerville's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you, Judy! This was extremely helpful. I am utilizing Freeform questions, but my issue was the built-in feedback layers. I didn't like how they covered everything up. But your post on that answered my question and I'm going to try it out! I will also play around with the results slide to see if I can get that to work as well. 

    • MollySomerville's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Judy - another follow-up. I looked at your custom "Try Again" post, but it doesn't quite answer the question I have. I would like the learner to have 2 attempts at answering. Each answer has it's own custom feedback (which works just great if they only get one attempt). I'd like it so that the learner could answer a question, if it's incorrect I'd like them to receive feedback as to why that answer is incorrect and to try again. Then if they answer incorrectly a second time, rationale and the correct answer are provided. Is there a way to do that? My first thought was to just change the feedback layer of "Incorrect" to read "Try Again" and when they click "continue" take them to a duplicate slide where they could try again, but I don't want to mess up the reporting or the results slide.

  • As i am doing exactly the same thing now... creating dynamic quizzes that get questions, options and feedback from Google Sheet data.... i also donot use the default quizzes. It is not perse needed to use a result slide to get your score into the LMS.

    The Javascript lines below send your score to the LMS ( in our case that's Instructure Canvas )

    First you offcourse need to define your score somehow...
    //These lines will be used to set score value in SCORM2004
    var previousScore = player.GetVar("myScore");
    var finalRawScore = player.GetVar("storylineScore");
    var passPercent = player.GetVar("zPassingPercentage");
    var scoreScale = finalRawScore/100;
    console.log("previousScore: " + previousScore+" |finalRawScore: " + finalRawScore);

    And when that is done you can sent the score values to the LMS
    //Set score value here. These 4 lines are necessary for SCORM2004
     SCORM2004_objAPI.SetValue('cmi.score.scaled', scoreScale);
     SCORM2004_objAPI.SetValue('cmi.score.raw', finalRawScore);
     SCORM2004_objAPI.SetValue('cmi.score.min', '0');
     SCORM2004_objAPI.SetValue('cmi.score.max', '100');

    I did test this and in Canvas it nicely sets the grades of the student to the current score.

  • Use the instructions in the first post I linked to above ( ) to change what feedback appears on each choice-specific layer based on the number of attempts.

    So after the first attempt, any "wrong" layer would only show that the answer is incorrect and why. After the 2nd attempt, any "wrong" layer would show the same info, plus info about which answer is correct and why. 

  • Got it! Thanks, Judy! My brain hadn't made it that far down the track, yet. I appreciate your help very much!!