Forum Discussion

JonathanMuhl's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Courses for Engineering Students

Hi All,

I am looking at developing some of our mechanical and electrical degree / diploma courses using Articulate 360. Still trying to get my head around the various flavours such as Rise and Storyline but I'm sure I will get there! I have been looking for examples of courses developed in the more mathematical / analytical areas to gauge what does and doesn't work but am struggling to find any. Anyone got any clues to where I should be looking? Or even better, personal experience?😃

Thanks in advance,

Jon Muhl

  • As i do work for Fontys University of Engineering and thus we do develop courses on technical stuff on a daily basis, i can  give some insights. I work in both Rise and Storyline to create courses. Using Storyline when i do need a more custom interaction and Rise when a course doesnot need that. The teachers of Engineering...about 45.. do work in Rise and Storyline too. As for them its not their daily routine they tend to prefer Rise more, because its so much easier to work in.

    Sharing a view in Review for your inspiration.
    This is a quite recent one in Storyline. Made for teachers of the Additive Manufacturing department. Is used as a Storyline block inside Rise.

    And here a combination in Rise. A course made for the department Robotics about Binpicking.

    In fact at the moment working on making Storyline blocks that can be reused by teachers on an LMS. So i want to make one element, that the teacher then can add to his course when he wants it...and customize it. Storyline is quite capable at this, the LMS is the hurdle at this moment.

    • EdwardAlbright's avatar
      Community Member

      Dear Math, I'm a bit late to the party and seeing these amazing examples, so excuse this late message.  I'm an engineering student and very new to Storyline so researching uses in Engineering.  Your metal printer is inspiring.  Would you be able to break down how you created the interactivity there?

      Sorry if these are simple techniques, I am new to the product

  • Hey Jonathan and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! 🙂 Storyline 360 and Rise 360 are both amazing apps. Storyline 360 really lets you build pretty much anything you can imagine and Rise 360 makes it quick to create fully responsive e-learning.

    If you want to get the low-down on each of these tools and what they're best used for, I suggest checking out this article: Why You Need the Tools in Articulate 360 and When to Use Them. You may also find our short series of Getting Started Tutorials for Articulate 360 to be helpful.

    Since you're looking for examples, here are a few creative ways people have used Storyline for similar topics.

    And perhaps the community might have some Rise 360 or other Storyline 360 examples they can share on the topic. I hope that helps!

  • Ooooh...These are awesome examples, Math! Thanks for sharing and for your valuable insight!