Forum Discussion

EvgeniaAngel654's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Articulate Rise translation not processing


I have a project that customer wants to be translate into French, I made a copy of the project and exported .xlif file that I shared with translation company. They sent me back translated .xlif file, but I am not able to upload it again. It keeps on showing 'Processing translation' and nothing happens. There is no error showing either. 

Any suggestion for troubleshooting in my case? 

Thank you!

  • The first place to start troubleshooting is your workflow.  If you deviate from the Rise 360 workflow for translations, you can experience the file not being processed as you described.
    The workflow should be:
    1. Duplicate your course.
    2. Export the XLIFF file.
    3. Translate the XLIFF file.
    4. Import the XLIFF file into the duplicated course.
    If you did anything else along the way (make a duplicate of a duplicate for example) and try to re-import the XLIFF file into the second duplicate, it won't work.
    Another common thing that will make an upload fail is if you update the course after exporting the XLIFF and then trying to import it back in.
    I hope that helps!
  • Hi Evgenia!

    Sorry to hear you are running into an error when uploading the translation.

    Since XLIFF files are content-specific, you'll need to make sure you are importing the translated XLIFF file in the content from which you originally exported your XLIFF file. In this case, you should be uploading it to the copy of the project/course.

    In addition, make sure there aren't any blank sections or lesson titles in your course. All sections and lesson titles have to have content.

    If the issue persists, we'd like to look into this issue closely. Please submit a support case and share the XLIFF file, and we'll reach out to you soon to investigate the issue further.

    Have a lovely day! 

  • In the translated XLIFF file, the source language field is probably set to French (this is necessary for the translation agency's software to translate into French). You must change this field back to en-US (for example in Notepad++).