Regarding the email client - that is something I had not considered! I may need to add both email and print options just in case they have one and not the other...
On the final screen, the first thing they do is enter their email address (or where they would like it to send), which populates a variable that is used in JavaScript. Below is the code, reduced to only the first two variables for simplicity sake.
var player = GetPlayer();
var useremail=player.GetVar("EmailAddress");
var subject="My Why - My Notes";
var SlideOneNote=player.GetVar("Authentic");
var SlideTwoNote=player.GetVar("Admiration");
var mailto_link='mailto:'+useremail+'?subject='+subject+'&body='+"Authentic self: "+SlideOneNote+" %0D%0AMy Admiration: "+SlideTwoNote+" %0D%0A ";,'emailWin');