Here's a section of a larger game I'm building for my employer...the questions are silly replacement ones for this example. It's still work in progress, I'm going to change the placeholder characters with our own internal staff so users can compete against people they know within the game.
I've used JS as a key part of the game; the 'Chasers' answer responses. These are random responses, based on the JS I've used. The harder the 'Chaser'. the more likely they are to choose the correct answer. The medium and easy 'Chasers' also have differing levels of probability to get the answer correct.
If the Chaser catches up with you, then it's game over.
I've only included 4 questions in this demo..purely because I'm still building :)
JS is also used to pull the users first name from our LMS to make it personalised from the start - this won't work from my googledrive host, but just so you know why it says 'name'.