Hey Thierry :), it was just a nice challenge to give the possibility to choose a different language. It's sad, that the demo does not work any more at your device. Maybe you have to refresh the page or clean your browser's cache?
For the French version I typed this JS code:
const player = GetPlayer();
let name_sl = player.GetVar("Name")
let msg = `Bonjour ${name_sl}!`;
let speech = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
speech.lang = "fr-FR";
speech.text = msg;
speech.volume = 1;
speech.rate = 1;
speech.pitch = 0.9;
I earn my money by producing and selling eLearning-modules, but I am always eager to exchange knowledge with the eLearning-community. I even created the only free, ad-free and independent elearning-forum for german speaking people. So, why wouldn't I show you this little piece of code? :)
If you like to learn more JavaScript, I encourage you to research on the web and practice it.