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E-Learning Challenges

Instructional Design Quizzes #40

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago

In a recent e-learning challenge, you guys shared some amazing instructional design activities. Topics included everything from general models, theories, and concepts. Wouldn’t it be nice to know if your fellow community members learned anything from the activities you designed? Sounds like a great challenge!

Challenge of the week

This week your challenge is to create a quiz that tests learners on an instructional design principle, model, researcher, or theorist.

You can create any type of quiz you like. Go with the timeless multiple choice or true-false questions, or create something more playful using a custom quiz. You can make the quiz as simple or challenging as you like… Just keep it fair and practical.

Keep in mind the objective is to reinforce basic instructional design principles using interactive quizzes. It’s more about the content this week.

Ideas for quizzes

  • Instructional design myths - What are some common myths in our industry? Present learners with a myth or fact and ask them to identify whether it’s fact or fiction.
  • Terms and definitions - These are always easy to create and there’s no shortage of instructional design terms.
  • Instructional methods - Present your learners with a scenario and challenge them to select the appropriate instructional methods.
  • ADDIE - Create your quiz around ADDIE or a specific phase


You can use Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio, or PowerPoint to build your instructional design quiz.


Here are some resources you can use for your quiz. If you have a favorite resource that you’d like to share, please feel free to share in the comments section.

Instructional design

Creating quizzes

Examples of quizzes

Last week’s challenge

Before you put your skills to the test in this week’s challenge, take a look at the e-learning interviews your fellow community members recorded in last week’s podcast challenge:

More about the e-learning  challenges:

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. We’ll feature your work and provide feedback if you request it.

Wishing you a quiztastic week, E-Learning Heroes!

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Is that how you did it! Apparently Madame Blavatsky's granddaughter does great work. Still want to know how you captured the voice, though. The pacing and accent were too much.
  • Ausgezeichnet! (Und danke!) Such a voice talent you are!

    And how did you create the video effect for Herr Professor Doktor Einstein? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
  • Yikes, time flies!
    Jackie, would never have thought of Frankenstein and ARCS! cool music...was there an option ot turn it off?
    Melissa I liked the layout...the way you displayed 2 frames for the scenario
    Liz, you really nailed some of the SME situations
    Sophia, I really liked the design of the timeline and how each point/bubble was filled with a photo
    Allison.. I'm a big fan of Mayer...nice
    Nick loved the deck of did you do that?
    Richard, liked that you provided choices: to see progress, learn more, go to next question...
    Chris, good idea with the crossing bridge/progress meter. The "learn more" links didn't work for me? Using Firefox
  • Nice one, Becky! You have a lot going on in that interaction. The narration activity was a clever approach. I had to try both choices to see the types of feedback I'd receive. Speaking of feedback, nice touch with the grammar quiz to demonstrate minimal and detailed feedback.

    I hope you were still able to catch the fireworks Friday night:-)

  • Hey Becky - thanks! Yes, any time I include audio I also include the audio control in the SL player. You can turn down or mute Frank and his music any time. :)
  • of course, Jackie. Right smack dab in front of me...why'd you hide it like that ;)? Seriously, I actually used the mute key on my keyboard. Somehow, with all the pause/play audio buttons I've been doing myself and seeing on the slide itself, I totally overlooked the player audio level icon. Tx for slapping me upside the head!