Great way to get a lot of useful info in a compact space, Nicki! I'd think it would be a perfect reference piece for onboarding. I like that it's colorful while still being clean and clear, too. It took me a few attempts to figure out why I wasn't able to see the "A" information, until I realized I was supposed to ignore the slider and just click on "A" to begin - so that sort of defied slider intuition and was not a DMMT (Don't Make Me Think) moment. In the end I found that having two forms of navigation (click-through plus slider) that were not connected was disorienting. If the slider were set up to move to the selected position in sync with whichever letter was clicked on, however, that would solve it and make a lot more visual sense for your user. But all in all I think your new staff will love it. Thank you so much for sharing!