Hi all,
I created this sample a while ago for my (still in progress) portfolio . I think it fits this challenge perfectly, so here goes -
http://anuradhagopusbucket.s3.amazonaws.com/Portfolio%20Samples/Fraction%20Action/story.htmlIn this sample, I use a number variable to count the number of pizza slices placed on the plate, since it's not a simple drag and drop case (I wanted the user to be able to place ANY pizza slice on the plate, to reach the required fraction).
Let me know what you all think of it! I have not been a very frequent poster on the ELH Challenges, mainly because I am still slow in coming up with ideas and creating something for these challenges (I am amazed at how you guys come up with such awesome ideas every week for these challenges, and that too in record time!) Here's hoping I get better at posting here.