When I first saw this year’s challenge, I planned on starting with Content Library’s Harmony template like I did in last year’s Greenery challenge. Unfortunately, Harmony’s default purple colors felt too similar to this year’s Ultra Violet colors.
So instead, I went with the Inspire theme. But rather than sticking with Inspire’s darker colors, I wanted to lighten things up a bit.
In the Greenry challenge, I only needed to make changes to Harmony's theme colors to give the template a greenish look and feel. But for the Inspire template, I found it was necessary to change both the theme colors and some color swatch associations for text and shape objects. It wasn’t a lot of extra work but it did take some noodling to get things where I liked them.
2018 Ultra Violet (Inspire):
http://elearningdesigner.com/storyline/Pantone-UltraViolet/index.html2017 Greenery (Harmony):