Hello Richard,
Thank you so much for viewing the interactive story.
So variables are what connects the decision choices to the review-of-decision slides.
When a user makes a choice, you set/assign a variable as the timeline starts on that slide or layer showing the result of the choice they made.
The variable could be text, probably better as text so it could be anything you assign it (i.e. "2a", "2b", "2c", you get the idea). You want to keep a chart or document of all of the variables you assign per decision.
When you now get to the feedback at the end, you call the variable. So change state of text box to "decision2Afeedback" when the timeline starts >> sub trigger >>(if "2nddecision_slide_variable" = "2a"
The text boxes which hold the "review of decision" feedback will have multiple states. Each one with different feedback depending on the choice that was made previously.
So it's important that you name every text box very specifically and all of your variables correspond to those text boxes.
I hope that was helpful.