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Rise 360: Government Ethics Training on Financial Disclosures

KOsunero's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

This course makes good use of text, image, and accordion blocks to help break up large chunks of information.

Explore this project.

Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • KOsunero's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi everyone -- thank you for your feedback. This was created for E-Learning Heroes Challenge #281, "Give This Government Ethics Training Course a Makeover"(

    Everyone had their own spin on the training and how much to redesign. I'm sure if you saw the original course (, you'd say that all of the examples were significant improvements!
  • Clean design and great user experience! Great work. p.s where did you get your illustrated images from ?
  • DesignWagon's avatar
    Community Member
    I thought the chunking of certain information into different Rise blocks was good, but this course is so text heavy. Visually, it was a bit overwhelming.