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What's the PADDIE Model of Instructional Design?

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4 years ago

You just landed a consulting job helping a company ramp up their new-hire training. You’ll be the one-stop shop for creating onboarding materials. How exciting! It’s a big-name client and you’re eager to start. You sit down to begin your needs analysis and you freeze—not only are you missing a project budget, but there’s no timeline or list of stakeholders. You don’t even have a style guide, much less contact information for someone in the marketing department to get one. Where did you go wrong? You’re positive the analysis stage of ADDIE is the right place to start. But if that’s right, why are you missing key information?

If you’ve ever reached for the ADDIE model and found it’s not enough, you know the scenario I described intimately. Although it’s a tried-and-true method, the ADDIE model is lacking a core piece of any project—planning. Enter PADDIE, the ADDIE model with planning! But why PADDIE? And what are some of the key things that should happen in the planning stage? This article will discuss just that.


I’ve always thought ADDIE was the weak link in an otherwise robust group of instructional design methodologies. Over the course of my career I’ve found its linear stages restrictive and its lack of planning frustrating. I’ve never been able to successfully launch a project straight from the analysis phase. At a minimum, you need to know what you’re analyzing and your basic project parameters before kicking off! 

As a new instructional designer, there were a few times I ended up in hot water because I didn’t realize how crucial planning was. No one told me to do a deeper dive into the project background before starting the analysis. Learn from my mistakes and include a robust planning stage up front.

What to Include in the Planning Stage

When you first kick off a project, there are certain things you need in order to be successful. Without this information, you’ll miss project milestones, blow your budget, and probably frustrate your stakeholders. Let’s take a look at key items to nail down in the planning stages of your project to ensure everything goes smoothly. 

  • Agree on a project timeline and deliverables. Once you get your deadline from the client and agree on key delivery dates, you’ll commit to what will be delivered on those dates and who to send the deliverables to. You can also use this to solicit buy-in from subject matter experts and get everyone involved to commit to the timeline. 
  • Review your project budget and plan accordingly. Compare the amount of money the client can spend to the time it’ll take to complete the project. If the hours to complete the project exceed their budget, go back to the client and negotiate course features—such as length. Looking at this up front is a great way to ensure the project is feasible.
  • Talk to your stakeholders or reviewers and agree on a chain of command. It’s not always clear who should review your project deliverables —like scripts and storyboards—or in what order. By defining the order in which people will review—and who gets final say—you’ll save time in the review stages and ensure you prioritize the right feedback. 
  • Identify additional resources and where to get them. Do you need to use a course template the client provides? Is there a style guide to follow? Who provides this information? Knowing what additional information you need and requesting it from the right person is key to staying on track!

While these are all great considerations for the planning stage, there are definitely other things to keep in mind. I’ve found the more I know, the smoother my project goes. So make sure to keep an eye out for additional information that can help you.


Hopefully you’re feeling confident about your course design process and see the value of including a planning phase up front! If you’d like additional information on ADDIE or other instructional design methodologies and theories, check out the links below: 

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Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • I would suggest that PADDIE, ADDIE, and SAM are not instructional design models; they are project management models. They don't actually help you create a learning experience, for that you need a model like Merrill's First Principles of Instruction or 4C-ID. The said PADDIE/ADDIE/SAM are useful models, especially for people new to the field to understand the basic steps to launch a course.
  • AlissonHines's avatar
    Community Member
    The writer really likes to plan things out before they start doing them. They're saying that planning is super important when you're making stuff , like when you're designing courses for school. They talk about this thing called PADDIE which is like an upgrade to another way of doing nice things called ADDIE. The writer shares stories from their own experience to show why planning matters. They also give some simple tips for planning, like figuring out when things need to be done, how much money you have, who's involved, and what tools you need. It's cool because it helps you get ready for your projects and makes them go smoother!
  • Everything you describe under the letter “P” for planning is already part of the letter “A” for analysis. You cannot agree on a schedule and budget until you have analyzed the scope, considered possible deliverables, and identified resources. Stick with the “A” and give it more credit, because it has so much more to offer.
    • AdamMeek's avatar
      Community Member
      Completely agree. This all part of the analysis!