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How to Match Question Types with the Skills You’re Testing

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
7 years ago

Most e-learning courses end in the same way: with a quiz. The goal of these quizzes is to find out if your learners absorbed the information or skills presented in the course. Seems pretty straightforward, right?

But designing quizzes that give you real insight into what your learners have absorbed and how well they’re prepared to apply it is equal parts art and science. Today, let’s focus on one of the most important factors in designing an effective quiz: choosing the right question type.

For example, if learners need to be able to explain something, it doesn’t make sense to use a multiple choice question. Even if they get the question right, you still won’t know if they’re actually capable of explaining it. You’ll just know that they’re able to select the correct explanation from a list of choices. In this case, an essay question is a better fit since learners can try their hand at explaining—which is what you want them to be able to do.

So how do you know which question type is best suited for each situation? Start by thinking about what your learners need to do with the information or skills you’re teaching them. For example, do they need to recognize a street sign? Locate a specific gear on an engine? Categorize products by type? If you’re not sure, go back and review your learning objectives and think about how you can turn them into questions.

Then, use the following list of common question types and the kinds of situations they’re best suited for to decide which question type is most effective.

Multiple Choice and Multiple Response Questions

Multiple choice and multiple response are the most commonly used question types in e-learning courses. They’re also the most commonly misused question types in e-learning courses, as people often select them by default without considering any other question types.

These question types are perfect for situations when your learners need to be able to recognize information or identify the correct response(s) from a set of options.

For example, in this course on driving in France, learners need to be able to recognize road signs and identify their meaning. To measure whether or not they’re able to do that, I included a multiple choice question asking them to choose the meaning of a specific sign:

You can also create scenario-based multiple choice questions when you want learners to analyze a situation, evaluate the possible outcomes, and identify the best possible option, like in this customer service course:

However, it doesn’t make sense to use multiple choice when your learner needs to be able to explain or recall something from memory, because it won’t give you an accurate picture of whether they’re able to do that. It will only allow you to determine if they’re able to pick out the correct answer from a list.

Another thing to keep in mind with multiple choice questions is that learners are often able to guess the correct response based on the process of elimination. To avoid this, do your best to come up with plausible incorrect responses (also referred to as distractors) and try to make them all roughly the same length. The risk of this happening is mitigated in multiple response questions where learners don’t know how many of the choices are correct.

Hotspot Questions

Hotspot questions—or questions where learners are asked to select a specific area on the screen—are best suited for situations when learners need to be able to locate something, for example, a country on a map or a specific gear on an engine.

If, instead of asking learners to locate something, you want them to identify an object, you’d be better off using a multiple choice question where the choices are images of those objects, like in this skeletal system example, where the bone name is highlighted when learners click on it:

Drag-and-Drop Questions

There are four main types of drag-and-drop questions. Let’s take a look at the situations where you should use each of them.


This kind of drag-and-drop is best for when you want learners to categorize concepts.

For example, in this sun safety course, learners have to drag items that will help protect them from the sun to the beach bag and items that won’t to the trash can:


You can use this kind of drag-and-drop when learners need to prioritize tasks, rank items, or put items in order.

For example, in this sales course, learners have to put the sales steps in the correct order:


This question type is great for when learners need to match two related items.

For example, in this course on trees, learners need to match the common tree names with the scientific names:


If your learners need to be able to organize objects in a certain way or place objects in a specific spot, you can create a drag-and-drop question where learners can do just that.

For example, in this course on etiquette, learners are asked to place the utensils in the correct spot on the table:

And in this course on Canadian geography, learners must drag the cities to the correct spots on the map:

Fill-in-the-Blank or Short Answer Questions

When learners need to recall information without any prompts, you should use a fill-in-the-blank or short answer question. What makes fill-in-the-blank questions more complex than other question types is that learners have to provide exactly the same answer as you in order to get the question right. For this reason, it’s important to anticipate as many possible correct answer variations so the course doesn’t mark their answer as incorrect when they’ve actually responded correctly.

For example, in this course on animal names, learners need to type in the name of the animals they see pictured:

Essay Questions

If learners need to be able to explain something, the only way to test their ability is by asking them to complete an essay question.

Because these kinds of questions are open-ended, it’s next to impossible to accurately predict all the correct answers a learner could give. For this reason, these questions can’t be corrected automatically. If you include an essay question, someone—likely you or the subject matter expert (SME)—will have to correct them manually. Depending on the number of learners and the amount of time you or the SME have to dedicate to this course, you’ll need to decide whether or not to include this type of question.

Before adding an essay question to your e-learning quiz, you’ll also want to find out if your LMS can capture learner answers. Unfortunately, not all LMSs have this capability, so you’ll want to check in with your LMS provider first. Once you determine it’s possible, ask them to walk you through the process of collecting and correcting the responses in the LMS to make sure it’s not too labor-intensive.

If you don’t have time to correct each answer manually or if your LMS can’t capture learner answers, another option is to give learners an opportunity to compare their answer to your pre-written answer and self-evaluate, like in this interactive writing example:

The Bottom Line

If you want your quiz to accurately measure the learner’s ability to apply their newfound knowledge and skills, the questions need to be as realistic as possible. And in order for them to be realistic, you need to choose the type of question that most closely resembles what learners will need to be able to do in real life. Hopefully this list will make that easier!

More Resources

Choosing the question type that best suits the associated learning objective is only half the battle. It’s equally important to write quiz questions that are clear, include plausible distractors, and provide helpful feedback. Here are some additional resources to help you take your quizzing skills to the next level:

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Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi!
    Thank you for this article. Can you do a follow-up with how you capture the data from the people answering the questions? It's great to have them, but if you have thousands of people answering them, how can we capture the data from their answers and utilize it to make future decisions on question types and formats. Thank you in advance! -
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Rachel!
      Most of the time people use an LMS to capture these answers. Obviously, it's easier to analyze multiple-choice questions and make future decisions based on them than it is to analyze fill-in-the-blank or essay questions. I don't really have any advice around that to be honest as it's really just a long, manual process no matter how you slice it! Good luck.
  • JodiSansone's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Allison,
    I just wanted to confirm I understand this thread and the capabilities for capturing the responses to open-end quiz questions in Storyline. I understand that if you want to capture a learner's response to an open end question and inspect it, it depends upon the capability of your LMS. I know how to give a "sample" good response to an open end using the feedback mechanism but I am not familiar with the process of manually correcting an answer. I believe my client doesn't necessarily want to correct the answers, just learn what people have written. If my client's LMS does not have this capability, what would be a back up plan? I thought I read somewhere to use a third-party survey tool. Is there anything new on this topic? Thank you! I bookmarked this article. Very helpful!
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Jodi,
      If your client's LMS doesn't allow them to view and/or correct the answers then you could, like you said, use a tool like Google Surveys or Survey Monkey to do that. If you decide to go that route, you could embed it in your Storyline course as a web object so people don't have to navigate away from the course to answer the questions. I hope that's helpful!
      • JodiSansone's avatar
        Community Member
        Yes, thank you. I just wanted to confirm that I understood this thread. I don't believe my client necessarily wants to correct the responses. They want visibility to the open-ended responses so they can learn themselves what would make their courses better. It was a coincidence that this question came up on Monday, right after I had submitted an open-end question demo for the most recent weekly elearning challenge #392. Sarah Hodge created a demo that used javascript to capture the learner's open end responses at the end of her demo. It captured text entry fields. I was thinking that might be another way to capture a learner response, print it to PDF, and then have it mailed to someone. But that's a lot of work for the learner. But not impossible. Here's how I interpreted the challenge:

        Thank you for responding. I appreciate it.