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3 Things You’ll Love About the New Microlearning Feature in Rise 360

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
2 years ago

If you’re like many course authors, you’ve been creating microlearning courses with Rise 360 for years. After all, delivering training in short bursts is a great way to improve knowledge retention and make it easy for learners to grow their skills despite their busy schedules.

And now, thanks to the new Rise 360 microlearning feature, you can create bite-size courses your learners will love faster than ever. 

Let us walk you through how it’ll save you time and give you more control over the learning experience.

1. Get useful content out fast by starting from a template

If you’ve created microlearning before, you know that it often takes longer to design effective short-form content because of how strategic you have to be about what you include.

But now, with Rise 360, you can save time by choosing from a library of templates designed specifically for microlearning. This library includes:

  • Real-content templates, which are ready to publish as is but are also easy to customize if needed.
  • Placeholder-content templates, which feature a prebuilt course structure with tips on what to incorporate. So all that’s left to do is pop in your content and you’re good to go!

No matter which option you choose, these professionally designed templates will help you get single-objective courses out to learners fast—whether it’s your first microlearning or your fiftieth. 

2. Quickly create custom bite-size learning experiences

It’s always been fast and easy to create custom microlearning from scratch with Rise 360, but this cool new feature shaves even more time off your course-creation workflow. That’s because it automatically takes care of many of the microlearning layout and navigation customization steps you might have done manually in the past.



Instead of creating a course, adding a lesson, and hiding the menu to create a microlearning feel, just select Create Microlearning and start adding blocks. It’s as simple as that! 

3. Focus learners’ attention With Stepped Navigation Mode 

Whether you start from scratch or use a template, the new microlearning feature also gives you an all-new option for directing your learners’ attention and helping them focus in on your content: Stepped Navigation Mode. As the name implies, this setting allows you to display content one step at a time—making it easier to digest.

Stepped navigation defaults to showing a single block for each step, but if you need to combine blocks to get a point across, that’s easy to adjust. You can  connect and disconnect blocks in just a few clicks to design an optimal learning experience.


The new Rise 360 microlearning feature will help you get great short-form content out quickly. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create!

Want to learn more about this new feature? Be sure to check out this overview video:

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the space below! And be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and come back to E-Learning Heroes for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning. 

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Is there a way to allow for "scrolling" navigation on desktop with microlearning? Meaning you can go through lessons with your scroll wheel vs clicking the arrow in the bottom corner?
    • CydWalker_mwhc's avatar
      Community Member
      I intuitively wanted to see the arrows in the upper and lower middle versus upper right and lower right.
    • elizabeth's avatar
      Hi Mike! If you have the navigation in the Theme set to "continuous", you should have a continuous scroll microlearning. In stepped mode, I'm able to scroll using my mouse wheel, but did find that my cursor had to be within active content in that block (for example, when I had an image block my cursor had to be over the image for my scroll wheel on my wireless mouse to work).
  • ChrisLorr's avatar
    Community Member
    We currently have the ability to copy individual lessons between courses, how about the ability to 'convert' a Course lesson into a 'microlearning' lesson?

    And in return, the ability to 'import' a microlearning lesson into a course?
    • elizabeth's avatar
      Hi Chris! The microlearning lessons are designed to stand on their own, since they have no menu a way a course does, but I gave Ela some thoughts above on how you might take an existing course and quickly turn it into microlearning using Block Templates! I hope that helps!
    • CydWalker_mwhc's avatar
      Community Member
      Yes, it would be great to track a quiz dispersed throughout (track knowledge check) versus at the end.
    • elizabeth's avatar
      Thanks for the great feedback, Aaron! I'm going to submit a feature request for that on your behalf.
      • CydWalker_mwhc's avatar
        Community Member
        Hospitals need scored quizzes, and they don't like having to retake an entire quiz if they get a few wrong. Since knowledge checks allow multiple tries it would be helpful to be able to score them.

        And/or feature request to allow retries per quiz question. End up making quizzes in SL and pulling in as a block. Time consuming, especially for changes.
  • I would love the ability to use navigation mode for all Rise courses or maybe a lesson template or block that has this capability. We use the process block often, but this may be a better way to teach certain processes.
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Thanks for this feedback, Sharon! I will definitely pass this along to the team.
  • This is awesome! I noticed that for each microlearning lesson, it starts with a full screen image that the user has to click to get started. I'd like to import these microlearning lessons into my LMS, but I don't want the "start" screen - I'd like the lesson to load as if the learner had already clicked it, so the cover page image is small and at the top. How can I do this? Thanks!
    • ColleenMcKayWha's avatar
      Community Member
      You have likely already learned this -- but I had the same Q - you can toggle on the export to an LMS to REMOVE the header... Doesn't seem to be an option though if you are posting to a website..
    • elizabeth's avatar
      Great question Ax. :) I'll submit this as a feature request on your behalf for now, but I love this idea and based on the "likes" you're getting, I suspect others do too! One thing you could do, assuming your LMS allows you to title courses differently than the Rise title, is not put a course title at all. The cover image would still be big, but you'd have a more decorative intro. Just a thought!
      • CydWalker_mwhc's avatar
        Community Member
        It would be great to be able to have another font color option for the title, like black you can place over light colored graphics. I see it's available for a plain white background.
  • elavel's avatar
    Community Member
    HI! This is great.

    Do you know maybe how do I move an old course unit to become a new microlearning unit?
    • elizabeth's avatar
      Hi Ela! There's not a way to convert a course into a microlearning but here's what I would do. Go into the course that you'd like to instead be microlearning and into a lesson. Add a new block template and save all the blocks you'd like in the microlearning from that lesson (you'll have to repeat if it's from multiple lessons but it's fast and easy!) Then, once you've got your block template(s) created, make a new microlearning and drop them in by adding a new block, heading to the block templates, and adding whatever you'd like! More info on block templates available here: